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Our Partner: Mencap

SkillSET Mencap is a specialist employment support programme which is person centred and innovative. We deliver employment preparation and training to individuals with a learning disability, dual/multiple disability including autism/mental health who are economically inactive and want to enter paid sustainable employment.
Each individual on SkillSET Mencap will have a designated Employment Officer who will support them to develop their skills and build experience to achieve paid work – your support will be tailored to you.
SkillSET Mencap is being delivered NI wide with local offi ces located in Belfast, Newry, Omagh, Derry/Londonderry and Magherafelt.

To find out more

please visit to find details of your local service.

Partner Details

Delivering across NI, helping people with a learning disability, dual/multiple disability including autism/mental health.
Get involved now

Have a question or want to contact us directly? Get in touch with SkillSET or some of our partners.